The recording of our live act from “X / imental #5” (16.03.2024, Escape Underground Hub, Timișoara, Romania).
Split into 2 parts because of Bandcamp’s track limitations.
It includes live performances of The Lost Flatliners of Avebell [Makunouchi Bento / Somnoroase Păsărele Split Tape], Tatar Throataches [The Virtual Bluescreen-Collar Choir] and Waveform Palmistry [Drowned in Bodrog]. The rest of the set is fully improvised.
All set written and performed by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento);
Except for the outro, written and performed by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento), Petre Ionuțescu [,
] aka Trompetre (Blazzaj, Funky Growl, Thy Veils, Negură Bunget, Alexandrina) and Gheorghe Fikl [
Laptop, controller, Azzam Bells MPA 019 by Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)
Laptop, kazoo, FX by Felix Petrescu (Makunouchi Bento)
Guests (outro):
Trumpet, FX by Petre Ionuțescu (Trompetre)
Keyboard by Fikl
Artwork by A.I. Petrescu