“I like it where it gets dark at night, and if you want noise, you have to make it yourself.”
H. Beam Piper – Fuzzies and Other People
Am dat gol!
Phonogram (audio postcard) for “Săptămâna Sunetului”
Makunouchi Bento – Am dat gol!
(originally published on 05.03.2016)
A “memento mori” in the schoolyard. The schoolyard remains the same, alive and animated, only the kids are changing and fleeting by. In the recording, a kid shouts proudly at the beginning “am dat gol!” (“I scored a goal!” in Romanian), and after that, the voice comes again as an echo repeating the same stuff, but everytime with lower pitch (that’s how we represented the ageing process) until it fades away… Basically, we were here, we scored a goal – we put a hole in the Universe and we’re sucked through it.
Carte poştală sonoră pentru “Săptămâna Sunetului”
Makunouchi Bento – Am dat gol!
(publicată prima oară în 05.03.2016)
Un “memento mori” în curtea şcolii. Curtea rămâne vie şi animată, doar noi îmbătrânim şi dispărem din peisaj. În înregistrare, un copil strigă mândru “am dat gol!” la început, apoi vocea lui repetă fraza cu pitch tot mai scăzut (procesul de maturizare şi îmbătrânire) până dispare… Practic, am fost aici, am dat un gol – am făcut o gaură în Univers şi suntem traşi prin ea.
100% heavily processed Makunouchi Bento field recordings.
All tracks written, produced, mixed and mastered by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)
Artwork by Santiago J. Franzani aka Antipirina [,
Photo by Felix Petrescu (Makunouchi Bento)
Throughout the course of four tracks a listener can hear slowed-down and barely twisted sonic madness as if encountering either his/her possible nightmares or lush dreams (it depends on). One can hear ghastly echoes, slight metallic banging, hirsute hisses and pleasant sounds coming from the street but the most important thing is the coherent flow and impressive moment behind this crafty experimental work. More profoundly, it does mean lots of emotive knots and compelling sonic effects within the sonic fabric. Read more...