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Makunouchi Bento/Science Night

Science Night

Science Night

Makunouchi Bento

Available On

Tracks info

00:00 01 Makunouchi Bento - Prologue
01:28 02 Gultskra Artikler - Begushemu vpered
04:24 03 Martin Huba - Kolotlc
07:26 04 Jacaszek & Kwartludium - Anthem (La Forêt)
10:35 05 Tomáš Dvořák - Jezevec
12:51 06 Phonothek - Lost in Fog
16:15 07 Phonophani - Kaliphoni
19:48 08 Makunouchi Bento - Spanipig
23:57 09 Leenak - Autoroute en forme de cigarette
25:51 10 Offthesky - Be Still
29:52 11 Subheim - Foray
34:19 12 Murcof - Cielo
37:18 13 Adam Michalak - First Color
40:29 14 Monolake - Offline
46:44 15 Biosphere - Phantasm
50:07 16 Lavender - Carved Intentions
52:52 17 Makunouchi Bento - Jubokko (Selfmademusic's Replicant Remix)
55:03 18 Cristobal Tapia de Veer - Meditative Chaos
57:40 19 Deaf Center - The Clearing
61:11 20 Greg Haines - The Intruder
64:46 21 Floex - Going on an Adventure
68:40 22 Martin Huba - Sakura Won't Tell Anyone
72:08 23 Bruno Coulais - The Supper
73:27 24 Dustmotes - Renaissance
74:17 25 Makunouchi Bento - Men of Mathematics
76:39 26 Vera Lynn - (There'll Be Blue Birds Over) The White Cliffs of Dover
Label: Self Released
Format: Digital
Release Date: 2016.10.21

Makunouchi Bento’s Science Night (audio/visual mix) originally released on October 21, 2016 on YouTube.

Best experienced with video.


VJ+DJ act/concept by Makunouchi Bento.

This is a low resolution promo mix for our VJ+DJ act “Science Night”. It was improvised/performed/recorded live, in one take.

More info:


We insist on highlighting this info so you should acknowledge that this act is not a “show”! – It’s a “space”. An audio and visual space where people relax and listen to ambient music, bond with others and look here and there into the visual experiments. Science Night is a tribute to the fascinating world of scientific documentaries of the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s, a period in history when science was taken with great interest and curiosity by everyone. The popularity of SciFi was rising and the future was the step that most people wanted to take wearing astro-boots.


Documentaries were also in great demand. They were creative, fascinating, more psychedelic than ever. It could keep you glued to the screen (big or small) for a long time, making the production of screws or the study of bacteria a whole “adventure of knowledge”, featuring hypnotic visions about the surrounding micro and macro universes, expanding the viewers senses. Science Night is not born out of nostalgia, but rather from the desire to re-awake curiosity towards scientific documentary as an art form as well as towards science in general.


The visual material (mixed, associated and combined on the spot) includes: old documentaries, scientific data, visual essays about science, art reproductions and simulations of phenomena, video tutorials of machines and apparatus, didactic films, etc. The artists use music and videos from their exhaustive private collections, gathered over the past 15 years and many songs of their own.


Technically, Science Night is an audiovisual project (DJ + VJ + feeling). Basically, the whole space of the event becomes an enchanting relaxing zone. We offer a trip without obscure substances or opiates (no other than those which our brains produce by themselves).


Science Night’s ultimate purposes: to remind us that there is a kind of film that triggered the imagination and curiosity of many generations (including those who have made this small tribute) and to celebrate the artists behind these



VJ tool: CoGe VJ.

DJ tool: NI Traktor.

Recorded with Syphon Recorder.


All mixed videos and songs are (C) to their respective artists.




Mix by Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)


Photo by Felix Petrescu (Makunouchi Bento)