Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


Makunouchi Bento/The ME Band 1.2

The ME Band 1.2

The ME Band 1.2

The ME Band

Available On

Tracks info

01 The ME Band - Living in a Council Flat 04:51
02 The ME Band - Officer Bob 02:42
03 The ME Band - Second Hand Blues 03:00
04 The ME Band - Delutions of Adequacy 02:27
05 The ME Band - Savana 03:48
06 The ME Band - End of the World 03:43
07 The ME Band - Shaky Brains (Grisbi Mixture) 04:26
08 The ME Band - Homemade Movie (Eggaer Remix) 02:47
09 The ME Band - Song 4 a Circus (Cassius Earl Remix) 03:26
10 The ME Band - My Shadow Is... (Clintwood Remix) 03:42
11 The ME Band - Lead N Follow (Pepepe Remix) 04:56
12 The ME Band - Shaky Brains (Bentroit Mix) 05:56
Label: The ME Band Self Released
Format: Digital
Release Date: 2007.12.01

Currently there are 3 different versions of our track Shaky Brains, by superb french band Grisbi, scottish soundsmeister Old Sarge and our good romanian friends Makunouchi Bento, each one quite different and each one worth a listen or ten. There is also a great electro gabba version of My Shadow Is My Friend by the inventor of clip hop, Clintwood. Check out his great tracks on his own page and also his collaboration tracks with burlesque dancing cheesecake maker Frau Zapatista. And don’t forget fake kentuckian Charli Circus’ version of Song For A.


Shaky Brains (Bentroit Mix) [Fresh Good Minimal presentation]:


Makunouchi Bento goes Mac Bentley.
Remixul este minimal techno facut la o piesa pop rock a prietenilor suedezi The ME Band. Am vrut sa vedem cat de departe putem ajunge de aici. Si am dat-o in minimal techno. Am chopuit granule din songul lor si am facut un alt track diferit, halucinant, bizar. Am taiat bucati pe care le-am repetat, am adaugat niste drums, am avut grija sa fie dement si hipnotic.
Fresh Good Minimal




Track 12 written by Mark Wilkinson and Jon Seneger (The ME Band [Web]); remixed, mixed and mastered by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento); vocals by Mark Wilkinson

Album Reviews

Was waiting for chordchanges. The "feel" is absolutely awesome. Minimal brilliance. The vocal stutter effect works very well in this. Was missing some bass but that could be these crappy laptop speakers I'm on. Good work on the panning and overall mix. Up my current alley.

Emerald Tablet

I can hear Thomas Yorke doing his falsetto thing over top of this up to the point where the vox comes in, and then that vision disappears.
