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Makunouchi Bento/TMBase Setup Volumul 1

TMBase Setup Volumul 1

TMBase Setup Volumul 1

Various Artists

Available On

Tracks info

01 Nonel - Ecoestasia 06:14
02 Qewza - Sandy Bitch 04:32
03 Makunouchi Bento - Pink Ninja 5 03:06
Remix of Waka X - Pink Ninja 3 (1999 FT2 module).
04 P Nal - Atent (Adapt Remix) 05:56
05 Sneila - Levitation 08:40
06 Makunouchi Bento - Mikrotori 05:21
Contains a sample from Tori Amos - Way Down.
"Maybe I'm the afterglow..."
07 Urban Experience - New Craddle Africa 05:38
08 Alex S feat. Black Bishop - Future Front Airwaves 07:09
09 P Nal - Under Construction 04:46
10 Ufo vs. Alex S - Capetown (The Great White) 05:47
11 Sensorship - In and Out 05:19
Label: TMBase
Format: CD / Digital
Release Date: 2002.04.18

The Setup magazine, released 3 years ago, was the first zine in Romania dedicated to electronic music. It is packed with technical articles, release reviews, interviews featuring the likes of nordic Royksopp, artist profiles and many many more. The quality writings are sewn together by some of the best graphics in a Romanian publication to date – Adapt’s graphics are fresh and exciting with bold colors and typography.


As an added bonus it featured the “for home use” Setup compilation CD with 10 of the best electronic downtempo music tracks produced in Romania. The two Makunouchi Bento tracks are chirpy and positive as they chug away in the IDM landscape. The two P Nal tracks go together great and stand out as solid works borrowing a trip hop flavoured vibe. Sneila’s Levitation is a psy-goa minded production with a darker more serious tone then other tracks present here. Mellow vibes drool out of Sandy Bitch as it breaks around. New Craddle Africa is a breakbeat track wrapped inside a considerable amount of African chant vocals and drum samples. Future Front Airways features the vocal talents of MC Black Bishop and is a nice deep house tune. One of the last tracks on the CD Ufo vs. Alex S – Capetown has some great moments with a nice tight set of strings and sweeps.




Romanian electronica compilation attached to TMBASE Setup Magazine Issue 1.




Tracks 03, 06 written, produced, mixed and mastered by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)


Artwork by Bogdan Roşu aka Adapt [Web, Soundcloud]


Compiled by Florin Unguraş aka Ufo and Alex Șamanţ aka Alex S

Produced by TMBase [Web, Facebook, Twitter]