The now traditional anniversary compilation of the Van Graph KFÉ, featuring some of the unknown, unreleased and released artists of the Timisoara soundscape. This is the result, on a promo CD distributed for free.
Track 02 written and produced by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento), Mihai Sălăjan aka Lemmy Caution [, , , , , , ]; mixed and mastered by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)
Cei doi timisoreni care si-au luat numele dupa cutia cu mancare de pranz japoneza (Makunouchi Bento) mentin aceeasi atmosfera de visare in piesa lor Papiota Dub (realizata alaturi de Lemmy Caution) cu o constructie sonora alambicata si de efect [...] De ascultat pentru oamenii deschisi la minte. Cei care pot trece peste stiluri si preferinte si care vor sa-si faca o idee despre cum se canta pe malurile Begheului in anul de gratie 2011. Read more...