Waka X si Qewza scot din Makunouchi Bento 8 lumi imaginare, aventuri si filme comprimate in 8 audio track-uri, iar ascultatorul este incurajat sa-si imagineze ce vrea. “Albumul a fost preparat in 2 ani si un pic si necesita ascultare atenta, noi recomandam la niste casti bune. Stingi lumina, stai cu castile pe urechi si-l asculti cap coada.”, imi spune Felix, adica Waka X acum vreo 2 zile.Eu m-am plimbat printr-o cada cu bule in straie de print si cersetor, am ajuns la dentist cu o sticla de rom, apoi in mintea unui orb, am scos rime si am incercat sa inteleg umorul matematicienilor. Sunt multe layere, iar la fiecare ascultare descopar inca un sound, mai fac o legatura, imi mai pica o nuca si tot asa.
La calitate de album comercial, cu cover ca lumea, se poate lua si flac, adica nu mp3, fara pierderi, Swimé este free si se poate downloada de la: cu tot cu grafica facuta de lovely Sorina Vasilescu aka
Tot Felix mai spune, ca pe Qewza nu-l prind decat la party: “Nu suntem elitisti. Ne place muzica si suntem doar muzicieni, care fac ceea ce le place. Nu vorbesc, nu apar la tv si nu o freaca, si mai ales, nu tin muzica la sertar sa se strice. Spunem povesti sonore.”
In schimbul generozitatii lor, sharui ceea ce mi-am imaginat la my top 3 tracks on this album:
Rain Dragon, Hidden Genius
It’s all about adventure time pen-scribbled and I likes graphics in the end.
Lines, bubbles, hot-spots and some topsy-turvy ate my glass sunrise.
“Pull-the-strings and go down-stairs to get some more rum.”, the dentist thought to himself and took his patient by surprise.
“I’ll be right back he said”, and went into the darkened room for one more sip.
La 27 seconds on the Plank
“The Train, I hope it rusts!”, said the daily blind-man to his pregnant friend from the Deep-under-town.
“Everything goes through the cemetery and tik-fucking-tok, already!?” ,
He yells and waits to be ejected out off that deformed belly.
Si la Cruise for a Corpse
I stink. My left arm-pit reeks skunk-like. I like to laugh at that, but I’m beginning to rot. Sandwiches in plastic togs.
“Am I dead yet?”, and showed up my hitch-hiking thumb.
Just whistle Jewish frogs.
Restul e secret si so much more.