Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


Makunouchi Bento/Heimsuchungen (Hauntings)

Heimsuchungen (Hauntings)


Date: October 29, 2021 20:00
Venue: Schauspielhaus
Address: Porzellangasse 19, 1090 Wien
City: Vienna, Austria
Entrance: 20 EUR

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Heimsuchungen: Ein Gespenster-Festival über das abwesend anwesende in und um uns (Hauntings: A Ghost Festival About the Absent Present in and Around Us).
An event by Schule für Dichtung (Vienna Poetry School), Schauspielhaus Wien, in cooperation with Slash FilmFestival.


20:00 Johannes Ullmaier Intro Lecture
Barbi Marković Exclusive festival text
SFD & Ghosts: Gerald Jatzek, Markus Köhle, Linda F. Lux Readings
Hendrik Otremba Reading from his novel Kachelbads Erbe
Makunouchi Bento x Silent Strike x Dan Basu Live