Escape Underground Hub presents X/imental - an immersive audio-visual experience. Combining live music, contemporary dance, art exhibitions, and video-mapping with electronic sound waves, X/imental is a cutting-edge event for art and music enthusiasts. Explore the unknown and experience a new frontier in entertainment.
Escape Underground Hub prezintă X/imental - o experiență audio-vizuală imersivă. Combinând muzică live, dans contemporan, expoziții de artă și video-mapping cu unde sonore electronice, X/imental este un eveniment de vârf pentru entuziaștii de artă și muzică. Explorați necunoscutul și experimentați o nouă frontieră în divertisment.
X/imental #5 presents:
Makunouchi Bento (live act)
The Makunouchi Bento, or traditional Japanese lunchbox, is a highly lacquered wooden box divided into quadrants, each of which contains different delicacies. It is also one of the most familiar images of Japan's domestic environment. Reading the box as both an object and a metaphor, Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma founded this cinematic / experimental / electroacoustic project back in late 2000.
Trompetre (live act)
Trompetist, multi-instrumentalist și compozitor, Fondator al Romanian Brass Society. Recunoscut ca TROMPETISTUL ANULUI în 2022, Timișoara Jazz Award
Kaius Leppah (Dj set)
Shapeshifting nerd alien sent hundreds of years ago to explore the Milky Way. Discovered planet Earth, lost his communication gear at a party, decided to blend in with humans and promote cosmic music.
Kaius Leppah is the result of years of digging, into music, into its own roots, into existence.
Gheorghe Fikl (digital exhibition)
Fikl is a prominent contemporary artist renowned for his evolution from Dadaist multi-media experiments to distinctive Baroque figurative paintings, often featuring surreal compositions with animals in unexpected settings. Educated in fine arts in Cluj and Timișoara under Professor Romul Nuțiu, Fikl's work captures themes of solitude, memory, and the interplay of the carnal and spiritual. His art has gained international acclaim, securing a place in prestigious collections, including those of HRH the former Prince of Wales, and has been showcased in major cities worldwide. In addition to his artistic achievements, Fikl is also a musician and a dedicated supporter of charitable causes, living and working in his inspiring studio-gallery in Socolari.
Vj Văduva