Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


Makunouchi Bento/Balada unui creier mic

Balada unui creier mic

Balada unui creier mic

Makunouchi Bento

Available On

Tracks info

01 Makunouchi Bento - Circes 02:37
Final version of Circes Interlude (bonus track on the Retinascan release of Vitoru).
02 Makunouchi Bento - Licure 02:48
03 Makunouchi Bento - Uşa farmaciei 8 02:17
04 Makunouchi Bento - Spanipig 04:26
Label: Arhiva7
Catalog Number: Arh008
Format: Digital
Release Date: 2005.03.23
Label: Self Released
Format: Digital
Release Date: 2013.06.28

It would be kinda silly to start and count all the actions and releases that implies this great romanian duo, Makunouchi Bento (Waka X and Qewza), ’cause of the simple reason: they are what we called “bunei”.

This 4 tracks release called “Balada unui creier mic” reach out to the ambient sides with some darkscapes sounds; a magical voyage into the brain of a tiny odd creature.

And so we can skip other metaphorical descriptions and go straight to the download area.


“Mai mult decât taxiul galben agresor
Cu bancheta pluşata şi brăduţ la vedere
Îmi las reacţiile la mânerul portierei
Căci vreau să mă plimbi prin oraş
Încărcat cu cadourile pentru Următorul Crăciun.


Mâine începe o nouă zi hilară
Cu corn şi iaurt pe nas
Și animale împăiate la televizor
Tribut zeilor de carne şi bani dar,
O să o termin cu DeNiro în stânga
Rod al iluziei continue de taxi.


Farul e plin de noroi aromat
Cu gust de anotimpuri şi viaţă
Poate pătat cu sânge
De la ultimul posibil accident.


Din naveta taxi atac cu degetele răsfirate
Toate planetele de pe drum,
Magazine sclipitoare cu marfă diformă
Și asta numai pentru că mie
Îmi place să stau la fereastră.


Murmurul pistoanelor nu încetează
Îmi regulează cadenţa viselor
Chiar atunci când nu mai am de’aface cu tine
Mai mult decât taxiule galben!”


[Felix Petrescu – “Mai mult decât taxiul galben”]




All tracks written, produced, mixed and mastered by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)

Track 03 lyrics (“Mai mult decât taxiul galben”) and spoken word by Felix Petrescu (Makunouchi Bento)


Artwork by Daniel Dorobanţu [Web, Bandcamp, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud, Instagram]

Album Reviews

A chattering ambient release that travels through the tiny mental processes of a microscopic creature, Balada Unui Creier Mic hums and chirps with crystalline sound. There are field recordings from lost hallways and decrepit underground tunnels worked into the looping insectoid music, recordings that are captured at ground level as if the listener were only a half inch tall. Read more...

Mark Teppo at Igloo Magazine

There’s a darker edge to some of these tracks, such as Spanipig, but my favorite is Licure, which is ultimately uplifting, with subtly melancholic passages making it feel somehow inherently human. [...] I couldn’t get Circe out of my mind as I listened to this, comparing the sounds to the sorceress who imprisoned Odysseus. Read more...

Alex at Milieu

A Balada unui creier mic EP-n ezúttal sötét zajok és zörejek által árnyalt ambient világot tárnak fel elottünk. [...] A Balada unui creier mic pompásan kidolgozott szürreális utazásra invitál, folyamatosan ingerli a fantáziát, a technikai megoldások pedig nagyon jól szolgálják a koncepciót. Read more...

Letöltheto Zene at SoundTour

Extremely pretty. Keep the beats out and let me wash over this like a sonic detergent...


IMHO: Better than the new Autrechre album. Makunouchi Bento present us an interesting EP full of strange, layered and atmospheric sounds. To make a movie parallel, the tracks would certainly be suitable for any Lynch or Cronenberg film or a movie like Cube. Read more...


Return of the grand. [...] The EP is an ambient-driven journey made of detuned samples characteristic of improvised music, reminding of Matmos at parts, but more homogeneous; music to be listened to as a whole, and to be loved as such. Read more...


Great. I've been listening to this release for a while now, tracks 'Circes' and 'Spanipig' especially. It ranges from moody to wide open, riding along some intricate textures and sound images. Highly recommended. 5/5


It made it onto my iPod! This release is treading the borderline between coherency and complete strangeness and this is what makes it so good. Certainly worth a listen or two. It is now sitting nicely on my iPod! 4/5
