Lemmy Caution is a beat driven electronic music project developed by Romanian producer Mihai Salajan, also known as Selfmademusic. Dissension, his 2012 debut, is conceived as a blend between music and visual arts, which gathers already known Romanian artists. Each song has its own artwork; the artists either provided covers for specific songs, or created them following a description of the project, in which case the music was inspired by the respective cover. The project was a work in progress, with a song with artwork released per month on the official Facebook page during a whole year. 12 songs were made, but only 10 made it into the final cut. The others will be released in a new ep or on the next album.
Track 05 written and produced by Mihai Sălăjan aka Lemmy Caution [, , , , , , ], Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento); mixed and mastered by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)
Cover artwork by Lavinia Neda
Zece piese în total, cu bariere greu de delimitat în ce priveşte stilul muzical abordat. Navighează prin subgenuri precum IDM, experimental, breakbeat, dar mereu cu o umbră mai întunecată, un point of view mai agresiv [...] Este prezent şi un featuring foarte interesant alături de mai vechii colaboratori ai lui Mimi, Makunouchi Bento, pentru track-ul intitulat "Alien Totem", total diferit de acea lume cinematică liniştită, ambientală, cu care cei trei ne-au obişnuit în celelalte colaborări. Cu siguranţă au apăsat puternic pedala hard băieţii de data aceasta. Read more...