Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


Makunouchi Bento/Dissension



Lemmy Caution

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Tracks info

01 Lemmy Caution - Rabbit AB 03:36
02 Lemmy Caution - NGWUF 04:02
03 Lemmy Caution - Mecha Dada 04:26
04 Lemmy Caution - Teethgrinder 04:06
05 Lemmy Caution feat. Makunouchi Bento - Alien Totem 03:05
06 Lemmy Caution - Vifor 03:57
07 Lemmy Caution - Dissension 05:05
08 Lemmy Caution - Lie to Me 04:37
09 Lemmy Caution - Tasty Little Baby 03:43
10 Lemmy Caution - Everafter 05:08
Label: Lemmy Caution Self Released
Format: Digital
Release Date: 2012.04.03

Lemmy Caution is a beat driven electronic music project developed by Romanian producer Mihai Salajan, also known as Selfmademusic. Dissension, his 2012 debut, is conceived as a blend between music and visual arts, which gathers already known Romanian artists. Each song has its own artwork; the artists either provided covers for specific songs, or created them following a description of the project, in which case the music was inspired by the respective cover. The project was a work in progress, with a song with artwork released per month on the official Facebook page during a whole year. 12 songs were made, but only 10 made it into the final cut. The others will be released in a new ep or on the next album.




Track 05 written and produced by Mihai Sălăjan aka Lemmy Caution [Web, Bandcamp, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud, Instagram], Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento); mixed and mastered by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)


Cover artwork by Lavinia Neda

Track 05 artwork by Sergiu Sas aka Alkmy [Web]

Album Reviews

Zece piese în total, cu bariere greu de delimitat în ce priveşte stilul muzical abordat. Navighează prin subgenuri precum IDM, experimental, breakbeat, dar mereu cu o umbră mai întunecată, un point of view mai agresiv [...] Este prezent şi un featuring foarte interesant alături de mai vechii colaboratori ai lui Mimi, Makunouchi Bento, pentru track-ul intitulat "Alien Totem", total diferit de acea lume cinematică liniştită, ambientală, cu care cei trei ne-au obişnuit în celelalte colaborări. Cu siguranţă au apăsat puternic pedala hard băieţii de data aceasta. Read more...

Septimiu Moldovan at ElectroBlogRo