Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


Makunouchi Bento/Remix Box Ichi

Remix Box Ichi

Remix Box Ichi

Makunouchi Bento

Available On

Tracks info

01 Norzeatic & Khidja - Caravana (Makunouchi Bento Remix) 05:16
02 Ben Mono feat. Jemeni - Jesus Was a B-Boy (Makunouchi Bento Remix) 05:45
Written for Ben Mono’s "Jesus Was a B-Boy" remix EP, out on Compost Records (Compost 301-1), out in September 2008, but didn’t make it to the EP.
03 Nagz - For the Better (And the Wurst Remix by Makunouchi Bento) 03:47
Appeared on Nagz’s "For the Better Remixes" compilation released on Camomille (CML019) on 2012.11.01:
"How nice of you to know
How nice of you to be here"
04 Norzeatic & Khidja - Caravana (Makunouchi Bento Remix Instrumental) 05:16
Label: Self Released
Format: Digital
Release Date: 2012.07.07

The first box of remixes made by Makunouchi Bento…


Caravana [Lyrics]:


Bine ați venit în caravană
Caravana în care
Nu pleci doar o zi pe lună
Pleci în fiecare zi pe lună
Și te întorci pe o rază de soare
Un caravan serai
În care ai șanse să stai
De la înserat
Să pierzi ultimul metrou
Dar să prinzi primul tramvai
Fiindcă-i o nouă magistrală capitală abisală
Deschisă pentru a visa la stele în alte feluri
La cele mai înalte niveluri
Caravana cară condimente rare
Sentimente care mai de care
Sare și piper de peste mare și cer
Pentru amalgamul de stări
Odată ce ai venit, drumul ți-e pietruit
Tot cu flori și cu safire
Pentru tine musafire
E o caravană care nu te cară-n van
Ci te cheamă-n dans
De la înserat pân’ la răsărit
Prin praful de pe beat
Presărat de un meteorit
Cu simț practic, dincolo de orice teorii
O caravană-n care noi
Călare pe sunete și fotoni
Ca niște baroni improvizatori
Dărâmăm pragul sonor
Lăsând să cadă giuvaere pline de mistere
Din cufăr până-n subwoofer
Escortate de vorbe de duh
Plutind lin ca nuferii
E o lume fantastică
Dansează spânii cu zânele
Cămilele saltă precum cadânele
Iar dumele sunt ca dunele
Doar nisipul poa’ să le numere
O caravană-n care poți să faci surfing pe havuz
De sus în jos și de jos în sus
Și să-i spui flux și reflux
Să conduci și să te lasi condus
De la apus până la polul opus
Fiecare cum vrea să stea
Pe o coadă de stea
Dacă nu poa’ să stea de cocoașă pe șea
Să-și ia o gogoașă de vierme de mătase
Să-și țeasă rețea
E un concept nou
Îmbrățișează-l intens
Ia-ți biletul la All You Can Dance
Și ai și Rent a Camel inclus în preț
E o caravană care înconjoară universul
Deci nu există capăt de linie
Cu escală interioară, când sună
Fiecare se întreabă cine e
Așa că hai
Să trecem hotare după norii hoinari
Adieri de vânt cu parfum de ienibahar
Ne cheamă în deșertul de sunet cald


Jesus Was a B-Boy [Lyrics]:


And Hark! This knowledge did come upon me in the first month of the fifth year in the Twenty-First Century
January 2005, also known as the ‘Year of the Celebrity Pedophile’
I’m telling you that Jesus was a B-boy
For I too have seen the burning bush, (tokes) and smoked it! (coughs)
And it made clear to me in my search for a Hip-Hop Ever-After that Jesus was an esoteric b-boy whose halo out of a windmill was a catechism class 4 seats back, second chapter
And so it was, Gethsamani was a b-boy battle with Heaven and Hell up for grabs
Jesus cried blood, the heavens opened up, and one lonely cherub decended from above
Then he tucked his wings in from behind him shyly made a
Place for himself within the front row and then with a thundering ‘bidi-bye-bye’
He beatboxed his way though a hip-hop concerto
And though Jesus had 12 Apostles, he wouldn’t have won the battle if he didn’t called the best dancers he did know
They would known collectivly as Jesus’ crew and individually as Shadrach, Meshach, and a bad, bad, bad negro
Jesus was a Dogtown Z-boy before Hollywood came calling
He used his carpentry skills, but refused to make anything other than Jeff Hull boards
He was Larry Burton, forcing sounds out of the ocean by tickling the inside of a perfect wave’s vocal chords
Jesus was a young Jay Adams all blond and bending gravity who kicked the Pharisees out of their temple
And then skated in their empty pools
Jesus was a graph artist
He tagged scriptures along the wall of Galilee, with messages for the Sadducees
Who covered it up in fear it would be labeled herecy under the new Pontius Pilot Program
Jesus was a someone, and every time he killed a drum pan sound, he forgave them
For they knew not with whom they clashed
But all-in-all, Jesus was a B-boy Huh! He died for our sins, has arisen and now resides in Heaven
That is to say, he lives in the kick drum of a perfect hip-hop song circa 1987




Tracks 01, 04 written by Juan Tizol; produceed by Andrei Rusu and Florentin Tudor (Khidja [Bandcamp, Facebook, Soundcloud, Instagram]); remixed by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento); lyrics and vocals by Andrei Perciun aka Norzeatic [Facebook]

Track 02 written by Paul Beller aka Ben Mono [Web, Bandcamp, Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud, Instagram]; remixed by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento); lyrics and vocals by Joanne Gairy aka Jemeni [Web]

Track 03 written by Dávid Halmi aka Nagz [Web, Bandcamp, Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud]; remixed by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento); lyrics and vocals by Nagz

All tracks mixed and mastered by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)


Artwork by Felix Petrescu (Makunouchi Bento)

Album Reviews

OMG! That is THE BEST version of Caravan I have heard. And I have heard many. Love it!!!

Stephen O'Hara

Quelle 70's hotel-lobby sound meets Romanian streetwise and eyes.

Nicoleta Marin

Some of the keywords in tracks like the Nagz one revolve around: broken future hip hop beats..More about kicks and snares, but still preserving ambient sound capes carefully entangling the beat structure with light hip hop flavour. [...] Waka and Qewza definitely have talent to rework the original tracks in a very smooth way, keep their previous qualities and take them somewhere else, to more ambient, but still pounding territories. Read more...

Andrej at Easterndaze

"Lăutarii electronici" mă surprind din nou, de data asta cu o abordare înspre zona hip-hop. Dar chiar nu contează din ce zonă e materialul original. Pentru că, orice material ar atinge, cei doi alchimişti sonori reuşesc să-l prefacă în acel ceva inconfundabil al lor. Reuşesc să şi-l aproprieze, în termeni juridici. Read more...

Lucian Mircu at Marele Ecran

Makunouchi Bento, the idiosyncratic duo of musicians based in western Romania, make music for imaginary movies— a rich tapestry of sounds interwoven into a magic flying carpet. [...] The resulting recontextualizations are imbued with MB's trademark fairytale-like atmospheres... Read more...

Lucia Udvardyova at Electronic Beats