Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


Makunouchi Bento/Rinbo (Remixed)

Rinbo (Remixed)

Rinbo (Remixed)

Makunouchi Bento

Available On

Tracks info

01 Makunouchi Bento - Jubokko (Selfmademusic's Replicant Remix) 04:21
02 Makunouchi Bento - Ame-onna (Sloum Remix) 04:06
03 Makunouchi Bento - Yuki-onna (Nagz Remix) 03:06
04 Makunouchi Bento - Jubokko (Zgomot Mare Degeaba Mix) 06:29
05 Makunouchi Bento - Yuki-onna (DavidF Remix) 05:52
06 Makunouchi Bento - Jubokko (Melton Remix) 10:00
07 Makunouchi Bento - Jubokko (Anitone Remix) 08:04
Label: Camomille
Catalog Number: CML015b
Format: Digital
Release Date: 2012.03.06

This is the remix compilation for Rinbo EP, also released on Camomille. It came out prior to Rinbo, as a teaser.




All original tracks written and produced by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)

Track 01 remixed, mixed and mastered by Mihai Sălăjan aka Selfmademusic [Web, Bandcamp, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud, Instagram]

Track 02 remixed, mixed and mastered by Brian Evans aka Sloum [Bandcamp, Soundcloud]

Track 03 remixed, mixed and mastered by Dávid Halmi aka Nagz [Web, Bandcamp, Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud]

Track 04 remixed, mixed and mastered by Radu Dumitrescu aka Zgomot [YouTube, Soundcloud]

Track 05 remixed, mixed and mastered by DavidF [Bandcamp]

Track 06 remixed, mixed and mastered by Jeffrey Melton aka Melton [Twitter, Soundcloud] (Nofi)

Track 07 remixed, mixed and mastered by Antoine Gambard aka Anitone [Web]


Artwork by Sorina Vasilescu aka Vazelina [Web, Facebook, Instagram, Blog]

Album Reviews

Rinbo is an odd little birdie chirping some chilling tunes. We all know about ghost stories, every culture has its restless souls, its famished specters and angry spirits. [...] It is not a pensive dreamy state that Rinbo induces, but a nearly 10 minute journey into a frightful, nightmarish monsterpedic cityscape – a recession-hit downtown area that can’t hide its cracks behind glossy facades. Read more...

Megatron at Z A C A M A N T

O nouă aventură cinematică din viziunea a doi distinşi timişoreni care ne-au încântat şi obişnuit cu sound-ul lor tot mai organic şi frumos aşezat. E gratis, vine cu un extrapack de remixuri din partea arădeanului Selfmademusic şi de asemenea Sloum.

Septimiu Moldovan at ElectroBlog Ro

[... ]a variety of electronic visions extending from disquieted electronic drifts (mixed up with chamber music whiffs at times) and more haunting/dark ambient progressions and glitch-filled pieces to more ethnic/World Music-concentrated sonic seeds and Balkan-infected film soundtracks (indeed, the closing track Jubokko is a fabulous one in its otherworldly blinking and glimmering hooks and developments). Read more...

Borealiscape at Recent Music Heroes