Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


Makunouchi Bento/The Guardians of Lost Pieces: Found and Never to Be Lost

The Guardians of Lost Pieces: Found and Never to Be Lost

The Guardians of Lost Pieces: Found and Never to Be Lost

Makunouchi Bento

Available On

Tracks info

01 Makunouchi Bento - Luleradhiqe 06:59
Appeared on "For Headspace #1", released by Tandem Tapes (TT020) in 2017.06.15.
A variation of "Dandelion Spell", released earlier the same year.
02 Makunouchi Bento feat. Emma Bader, Ioan Fodor - Der untreue Husar 04:49
A mashup-remix we made for Remix ID: it’s a remix of Emma Bader’s “Der treue Husar” (acapella rendition of a traditional German song) and Ioan Fodor’s untitled organ solo song.
Listen on Soundcloud.
03 Makunouchi Bento - Cntech vechi 04:57
An experimental reinterpretation / deconstruction of Paul Constantinescu's "Cântec vechi" ("Old Song"), for the "100 de ani de sunete românești" ("100 Years of Romanian Sounds") project, part of InnerSound New Arts Festival 2018.
Listen on Soundcloud.
04 Makunouchi Bento - Somniorum 02:21
A short song we wrote using "The Grand Mechaniano" NI Kontakt library by AtomHub, and absolutely nothing else, no external effects or anything. Enjoy! Then, if you're a producer, go check all AtomHub's libraries, you'll be amazed.
Listen on Soundcloud.
Download The Grand Mechaniano from Atom Hub or Kontakt Hub!
05 Makunouchi Bento - Patchouli Vagabond 01:52
We made a short demo song using the "Vagabond Crystal" NI Kontakt library by Atom Hub, and absolutely nothing else, no external effects or anything. It's actually a remake of a 20+ years old song of ours, Patchouli - you can find the original chiptune version on our first LP and EP, both titled Himette.
Listen on Soundcloud.
Download Vagabond Crystal from Atom Hub or Kontakt Hub!
06 Makunouchi Bento - BWV 999 02:33
Our demo for Plogue Chipspeech's Voder preset, playing Johann Sebastian Bach’s BWV 999 (Prelude in C Minor).
Listen on Soundcloud...or see it on Instagram
Buy Plogue Chipspeech!
07 Makunouchi Bento - Peisaj lichid 08:18
The rescoring of Viorel Simulov's "Peisaj lichid" (1988, Kinema Ikon).
Made for Kinema Ikon's "OST'n'ReST" project and Europalia Romania, coordinated by ICR.
08 Makunouchi Bento - Rest 09:15
The OST for "Rest”, Sergiu Sas aka Alkmy's short film, made for the "Spaţii în aşteptare" ("Waiting Spaces") project in 2012. Released only on YouTube.
09 Makunouchi Bento - Urban Tree 08:10
The OST for "Urban Tree", Vali Chincișan's animation, winner of "Best Romanian Film" at Anim'Est 2009. Appeared on "AVmotional DVD2009", released by AVMotional Platform in 2009.
Watch it on Vimeo!
10 Nagz feat. Makunouchi Bento, Selfmademusic, KcG, Kitty Kye - RoHu 03:14
Produced in 2013 by Nagz, based on samples from the other artists involved. Edited and released in 2017 by Nagz, on his Soundcloud page.
11 Makunouchi Bento - Telegrams for the Little Sea Winds (Newgotti Remix) 04:05
Newgotti's unexpected remix for Telegrams for the Little Sea Winds (Lighthouse Stories EP, 2014).
12 Makunouchi Bento - Owlscape (Vinyl Edit) 05:04
Appeared on VA - An Architecture Celebrating the Failure of Capitalism (Bergen Kunsthall, 2020).
The composition "Owlscape" was made for an outdoor site-specific installation in Timișoara, Romania (with, among others, the Roma coppersmith Lajos Gabor). The site was a park with an abnormally large urban colony of long-eared owls. To accompany a large owlhouse built from copper and locally sourced materials, the experimental / electronica duo Makunouchi Bento (Felix Petrescu / Valentin Toma) made a looping sound composition that was played from hidden speakers in the trees.
Label: Self Released
Format: Digital
Release Date: 2017.10.31

A collection of Makunouchi Bento lost soundtracks, collabos and tracks exclusively released on compilations – an open playlist (2009-?).


Der untreue Husar [Concept and Lyrics]:


“Did Bach ever eat
pancakes at midnight?”
– Nathan Reese Maher


Poate exact clatite nu, dar cateva bucati de apfelstrudel cu siguranta a indesat pe sub mustata. Si a stat de vorba la un pahar de schnaps cu toate fantomele arborelui lui si a arborilor din padurea vecinilor. Pana jos la baza copacului unde sunetele devin nearticulate si se contopesc cu pulsul pietrelor. Pana sus acolo, aici la noi, unde sunetele sunt modelate de strunguri digitale. Poate si mai sus, dupa noi, cine stie ce-a fost in paharul lui. Ne-a auzit oare debandada?
Noi am descoperit ca nu e nevoie de masina timpului pentru a circula in lumea sunetelor. Sunetul circula de la sine in ambele directii. Pui o antena parabolica pe o plasa mare de prins fluturi, iesi noaptea prin gradina cu picioarele goale sau inima goala si pescuiesti sunet difuz din toata istoria omenirii. Se sedimenteaza in bolul (care era gol) de inima sau pe labele piciorului, ca roua diminetii, doar ca invizibil. Mergi in casa si il dai prin strecuratoare, arunci apa, pui condimente si ti-l servesti de nou. Stai la masa tot timpul cu sute de fantome guralive. N-ai incotro.


Es war einmal ein treuer Husar, der liebt ein Madel 7 Jahr
7 Jahr und noch viel mehr die Liebe nahm kein Ende mehr
dann zieht er fort von Ort zu Ort und lass sein Liebchen allein am Ort
doch sieben Jahr und noch viel mehr, die Liebe nahm kein Ende mehr.


A fost odata un husar loial,
a iubit o fata timp de sapte ani,
sapte ani si chiar mai mult, iubirea nu parea sa inceteze.
Apoi pleca din loc, in loc si lasa iubita singura in loc,
dar sapte ani si chiar mai mult, iubirea nu parea sa inceteze.


Cntech vechi [Concept]:



We took a whole piece of original song, passed it through a device that decomposed it into imperfect, random (or are they?) elements, we let Voder’s friends – and other randomly chosen sounds as well – to interpret them in their own way, we then mixed the pieces into a magic hat and extracted a VHS tape with the reconstructed song. Did we fool you?


Am luat o bucată întreagă de cântec original, am trecut-o printr-un aparat care a descompus-o în elemente imperfecte, aleatorii (sau nu?), am lăsat prietenii lui Voder – dar și alte sunete alese la întâmplare – să le interpreteze în felul lor, am amestecat bucățile într-o pălărie, de unde am extras o casetă VHS cu cântecul reconstituit. Did we fool you?




All tracks written, produced, mixed and mastered by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento), except:

Track 02 performed by Emma Bader (“Der treue Husar” traditional song) and Ioan Fodor (untitled organ song); remixed, mixed ans mastered by Valentin Toma and Felix Petrescu (Makunouchi Bento)

Track 03 written by Paul Constantinescu; remixed, mixed and mastered by Valentin Toma and Felix Petrescu (Makunouchi Bento)

Track 06 written by Johann Sebastian Bach; produced, mixed and mastered by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)

Track 10: written and produced by Dávid Halmi aka Nagz [Web, Bandcamp, Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud], Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento), Mihai Sălăjan aka Selfmademusic [Web, Bandcamp, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud, Instagram], Sándor Kircsi aka KcG, Kitty Kye; mixed and mastered by Dávid Halmi aka Nagz

Track 11, written, produced, mixed and mastered by Norbert Olah aka Newgotti [Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud, Instagram]; original song written by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)

Album Reviews

This 6-notch issue is a profound and cohesive amalgamation of different styles, from supersonic droning ambient and heavily stomping bass driven excursions and unnerving interrupted rhythmic structures to a quirky synth-pop example and a jazz-infused convulsion. Moreover, frequently the listener can perceive obsessive focus to have directed toward minutiae – it might be more adequately assumed the minutiae are amplified and magnified into a new quality, into something providing refreshing possibilities to open new entrances for next issues. [...] One of the best issues in 2018 for sure. Read more...

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