One Edition:
This experimental EP was made for the Romanian `zine Începem, issue 3 (september) with Future set as the theme. Makunouchi Bento (or MaBento for short) developed it following the speculation that digital music technology is increasingly moving forwards with their attempts at recreating analog warmth and real world modeling (instruments, ambience/room, the recreation of previous mediums, etcs).
This paradox is approached in a variety of ways here; sometimes through atmosphere, others through tube emulation and so on. Even with this concept in mind the emotive influence on the artist remains and Vitoru posseses the ability to place a listener in a familiar state of being in an unfamiliar surrounding (aside from the humorous and rhythmic opening of “Rhybot”).
Începem Edition:
Acest EP nu este si nici nu se vrea altceva decat un experiment. Am pornit de la speculatia ca partea audio a existentei noastre va suna tot mai digital si generativ ca si concept (o interpolare a tuturor genurilor muzicale actuale) dar tot mai uman si “cald” (analog / tubes) ca si sound – dat fiind faptul ca softurile (digitalul) incearca paradoxal sa emuleze soundul analog. Partea noisy si digitala se imbina cu instrumente “aproape” reale si totul suna “uman” desi cu radacini digitale nu general evidente. Toate trackurile sunt special produse pentru “Incepem 3” si CD-ul (EP-ul) a fost facut in editie limitata si unica de 15 bucati.
One release format: 192 kbps MP3.
Începem release format: 15 pieces limited edition 3″ CD-R.
Retinascan release format: 3″ CD-R and free 192 kbps MP3. The CD-R actually contains 7 tracks: Circes Interlude is the 7th, while track 6 is a 6-seconds silent track.
All tracks written, produced, mixed and mastered by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)
Track 05 spoken word by Felix Petrescu (Makunouchi Bento)
One / Retinascan / Self Release artwork by Felix Petrescu (Makunouchi Bento)
Începem artwork by Lucian Marin aka BFX []
"Cariul D", titre fleuve qui devrait faire se pamer les amateurs de Christian Fennez de même que "Voiaj in Vitoru" dont la structure modulaire oscillant entre électroacoustique feutrée et Ennio Morricone sous exta ne devrait pas rencontrer de difficulté avec un auditoire en quête de questionnement plastique. Read more...
This is harder... more dissonant but still worthwhile. Beautiful soundscapes juxtaposed against "speak and spell" samples... melody jostling against found sounds and stereophonic nonsense. Very Aphex Twin albeit more downbeat. Read more...