Yet another (good) netlabelThe One01 compilation is an eclectic collection of songs of which you’re bound to like at least one. They vary greatly in intensity and feel, from Ronnie Pries’ “Bc02” – a straight beat pushing shadowy pads along -, the almost orchestral “TemposhifterD” from KhER3L, to the playful IDM-ish melodies of Makunouchi Bento’s “Milipong” and “Soare cu dinti”, Pinkj’s “Sylh” and the synth-infused “Pavlovian Fear” from Plosive and Relative Q’s “Your Distant Eyes”. There is, however coherence, with an intro by Plosive – manipulated samples, and a (possible) end theme by Colophon – classic instrumental rock developing into a drumloop-driven tune. The release is accompanied by artwork by Waka X and Plosive, as diverse as the music, yet united by the same at times melancholy, at times resillient and progressive feel. “Yet another netlabel” (their motto) to keep an eye on.