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Camomille & Apegenine :: This is the end, my brother…
Good things often come to and end. Then remain sweet memories of great moments spent believing in ideas and sounds.
Petite&Jolie is somehow related to the camomille netlabel family, we met on the Internet before the netlabel era and contributed together to this all so its quite normal we are sadden to hear both labels will be shut down.
So, in order to end it as a final masterstroke, Vincent decided to release Hypocondriac (aka Apegenine Volume 2) for free as 320kbps .MP3s or .FLACs.
Expect people like Khonnor, Transient, Papercutz, Shiftless, Surasshu, Kaneel, Hunz and much more.
We love you both Camomille and Apegenine.