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Yessum, this is it.
Makunouchi Bento without a doubt have a sound that is their own, now. Following them over the years, I’ve often kept a close ear to what it is they are working on.
The last few releases (Miopedi, Trcutu, Balada unui creier mic, Lament) by the duo have shown enormous growth in their style. Where they were once a bit niche in their sound, they’re now much more patient, personable and slick. The delivery of the music or the tools used is less important now than the worlds or stories that unfold with each song and it seems as if this progression has come naturally rather than forced because its hard to spot any one single influence in their music.
Lament of the fishing robot is short, but its a great album for anyone into the etherreal, soundscape, or slowly evolving melodies.. or all 3 and more. A mature record that doesnt demand maturity from it’s listener. An emotionally charged and nostaligic listen that can also be listened to and enjoyed in a stark, emotionless, technical, enviroment. A favorite releases of 2005.