Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.



A split EP between Makunouchi Bento and Leenak, Miopedi: Errata is a four track download of effortless rumination and gentle melodic structures. The gossamer organic melodies of these tracks dissipate as you hear them, elusive strands of music that touch upon your consciousness like threads of forgotten dreams. Makunouchi Bento’s “Cariul C” plays out its gentle keyboard and drum kit duet as if the pair was on a deserted beach, playing their winsome lament to the gulls and the waves. Leenak’s response is “Nuits D’hiver, Neige et Radio,” a lengthy track which starts like variation to Bento’s theme, but spins off into nocturnal territory where you can’t see the ocean and the ships riding its surface, but you can hear them. You can hear the wash of the waves against the beach, the slapping of water against the metal hulls, the tapping of pipes and machinery as long slow boats turn towards the docks. The melodies dance at the periphery of your perception like distant pinpricks of sodium vapor. While the first two tracks instill a sense of longing and retrospection in me, the third track — Makunouchi Bento’s “Lentila Dracului” — gives birth to a trickle of crawling dread. Arrhythmic bells clatter, a burr of white noise hovers in my right ear and the choral arrangement that wanders in sounds like the glorious Halleluiah of attendant cultists at their resurrection of their undead deity. Fortunately, Leenak’s “Tintamarre” washes me clean with the sound of its digitized ocean. The bells and the noise are still there, faint memories that are kept at bay by the gentle buzz and click of the electron sea.

The split EP of Miopedi:Errata is my introduction to Makunouchi Bento and Leenak. I don’t know these guys other than the eighteen minutes I just spent in their company, but judging on how many times I hit “Replay” on this EP, I’d say they are welcome at my house any time. The second beautiful thing about this EP is that it costs you nothing but a thin slice of bandwidth for the short time it takes to download.

Miopedi:Errata is OUT NOW on One.