Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


Spotted by the TIGSource crowd earlier in the weekend and quickly ordered before its minuscule run of 350 copies ran dry is Okatu Play, the latest issue of a chapbook style magazine put out, as it happens, by the same Romanian organization that put together the Otaku festival Mike noted a week or two back. The table of contents is a laundry list of unfamiliar or only hazily recognized names, but it’s the included DVD that is more overtly the draw: in addition to a lineup of 2007 BlipFest videos (all taken, it would seem, from the earlier mentioned Vimeo uploads that included 6955 and Virt), the disc also features music by Nullsleep, Kaseo and she, trailers and info on a number of Offworld-regular indie games, and, to top it off, comes with a foldout poster by iso-pixel artists eBoy.
The magazine ran me just over $20, and still looks to be available as of now: see also some previews of their earlier issues via issuu.