Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


Drip-drip-dip with Der Raeuber und Der Prinz in a swiss bubble bath!…

Swimé (link: http://makunouchibento.bandcamp.com) is out of the box now! Makunouchi Bento had been preparing it for two years. Can’t say it was pretty much of an emotional journey to me, but Waka X and Qewza are simply great when it comes to playing! The 47 minutes album is an invitation to imagine worlds and adventures and it runs freely on the web.

Swimé’s 8 audio tracks are qualitative and the artwork’s done by this stunning girl, Sorina Vasilescu (http://wirestory.blogspot.com).

The titles themselves sound like shere poetry. See “The River Who Drinks All I’ve Had” and “Anchorshaped Siren.”
“Men of Mathematics” were floating in space in an attempt to get their dog back.
The frog and the mouse just turned 100 years old, today. They’re twins. Aw! …
-I hate to give applauses or be given! … That’s a gesture I don’t dig.-

Darkly humoured and serious, but for he who can’t swim things can get quite scary! Localy recommended by me.