Great artists and friends Makunouchi Bento (Ogredung, Miasmah, One, Kikapu) are back at Camomille with what we think is their best work to date. Lament of the Fishing Robot EP is motion and color captured and translated into sound. It is immersing in its great musical and emotional depth and in its force of character. These 10 minutes of music serve greatly to prove our point, Makunouchi Bento are left unscathed by current trends and continue to do what they do best, all the while evolving into different entities as time goes by. On this EP they explore more cinematic themes; as you listen to the EP, you feel like you’re following a script of tones and waves. A somewhat liquid combat between winter-time coldness and atmospheres filled of akward beauty. This EP serves as the conceptual follow up to their release on Arhiva7 and contains beautiful art by Santiago Morilla (cover) and Andrei Dorokhin (bonus art). A wonderfull release by our romanian friends, Makunouchi Bento.
“Să negi dragostea ta pentru copac
E ca şi cum ţi-ai pune bani deoparte,
O lună… două… trei… şi cu ei
Ai cumpăra o pereche de aripi
La “mâna a doua”.
Nu îţi alină posibila şi repetabila căzătură
Nici o supă din rădăcini de copac de cer?”
[Felix Petrescu – “Pentru oricine copac de cer”]
All tracks written, produced, mixed and mastered by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)
Track 01 lyrics and vocals by Felix Petrescu (Makunouchi Bento)
Track 02 lyrics (“Pentru oricine copac de cer”) and spoken word by Felix Petrescu (Makunouchi Bento)
Artwork by Santiago Morilla [,
Postcard artwork by Andrei Dorokhin
Makunouchi Bento has the ability to give ideas the floor, and then let them spin off in their own directions, casting shards of sound and melody that often conflict, yet maintain a consistent voice throughout. This chromaticism upon cadence features prominently on each track, along with subtle uses of glitching sounds and effects. Read more...
Lament of the Fishing Robot is a short musical forray into glitchy pisciculture. The is an EP where the listener is kept in a dreamy state of captivity for at least 10 minutes. Released on Camomille it is something of a film score. A score for a possible short movie about small vibrating digital sea horses munching on some long, string-shaped bottom dwelling sea-grass. Read more...
Makunouchi Bento’s latest EP, Lament of the Fishing Robot, is pretty great. "Lament of the Fishing Robot EP is motion and color captured and translated into sound. It is immersing in its great musical and emotional depth and in its force of character." Haunting, chilled out, sampled and glitchy electronica that’s sure to please. Read more...
Celé to zní jako podmořský ambient s příběhem vtěsnaným do tří krátkých skladeb. Je to hudba, která vám dává prostor pro vlastní imaginaci, inspirativní zvuky rezavějících robotů na dně oceánu. Jejich kovové ruce jsou obrůstány modrými rostlinami za zvuků radarů a těžkých úderů obrovských lodí někde nahoře. Dokonalé. Read more...
Quite Makunouchien. That is: surprisingly fresh!! I like very much "Boat Just Beginning to Leaf". I follow every MB release, and never gets dissapointed. Keep the good work, guys!! 5/5
After listening to a few more of these things, I have to say that my favorite thing about this music is the sense of characters I get from it, which is very strong for non-vocal music. I continually feel as if these sounds are actually little characters singing to me - I especially see the things on the cover of Swime. Read more...
Makunouchi Bento without a doubt have a sound that is their own, now. [...] The delivery of the music or the tools used is less important now than the worlds or stories that unfold with each song and it seems as if this progression has come naturally rather than forced because its hard to spot any one single influence in their music. [...] A mature record that doesnt demand maturity from it's listener. An emotionally charged and nostaligic listen that can also be listened to and enjoyed in a stark, emotionless, technical, enviroment. A favorite releases of 2005. 5/5 Read more...