We’re happy when comes the time to release something from somebody we don’t know, and we’ve met a lot of people doing that in the past year. Sometimes, though, you get an email from an old friend and you get stuck with a smile only a huge fan can have.
Felix & Valentin have been with us for a long time now, their first contribution to camomille being about 7 years ago. Everytime they have something new out, we kind of get ecstatic. ( you definitely need to check out their latest opus ” swimé ” on the great inpuj netlabel ) This time we get to release Rinbo and with it comes Makunouchi Bento’s trademark (and paradoxal) lack of categorization as well as their usual (unusual) little bits of organised chaos. If you feel your heart swell, it’s only normal : rinbo sketches the outlines of creation in a particular beauty and sometimes with a raging bite takes it all away from us. This suspense makes the atmosphere dense and sometimes hostile, but as it draws you in, Makunouchi Bento’s adventures become whimsical and drenched in mysticism. It’s magic, really.
Prinși în limbo (între două albume), cei doi Makunouchi Bento întâlnesc o grămadă de monștri și fantome din mitologia și cryptozoologia japoneză. Reducând numărul la 4, se naște un nou EP și un live act, aventuri sonore și teatru aural jucat și depănat în cea mai bună tradiție a casei. În aproximativ/obiectiv o oră pamântească și în timp subiectiv greu de determinat, veți întâlni proiecțiile sonore ale Yuki-onna (spiritul zăpezii întrupat într-o șăgalnică femeie care atrage trecătorii și îi îngheață), Ame-onna (femeia spirit al ploii care aduce belșug), Jubokko (copacul care se hrănește cu sângele celor rătăciți pe câmpul de luptă), Bake-kujira (balena fantomă) și alte creaturi imaginare.
All tracks written, produced, mixed and mastered by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)
O nouă aventură cinematică din viziunea a doi distinşi timişoreni care ne-au încântat şi obişnuit cu sound-ul lor tot mai organic şi frumos aşezat. E gratis, vine cu un extrapack de remixuri din partea arădeanului Selfmademusic şi de asemenea Sloum.
Eine neue EP von Makunouchi Bento. Sehr winterlich und verträumt daherkommend, märchenhaft, comicartig, Parallelwelt granulair, Zwobot-Symphonie in Akkordarbeit triefender Ruderer in einem See der Phantasie. Read more...
The snippet of nighttime chitter surrounding the area and cascading snippets of sound compliment the string noises very well. The whole buildup and climax at 2:45 feels right, it's hard to describe, and the glitched semi-arpeggios leading to the thump of a bassoon and Arabic string scale towards 3:23 sounds perfect! [...] something I could easily picture shining through in Lawrence of Arabia or some older silver-screen tale. Read more...
Wow! Die beiden rumänischen Künstler Makunouchi Bento setzen nach dem außerordentlich guten Swime Album mit ihrer neuen EP “Rinbo” noch eins drauf. Klanglandschaften und Fieldrecordings, die nebulös zwischen Neuer Musik, Musique concrète, experimentellem Ambient oder sogar Jazz umher tänzeln und sich in ihrer abstrakten Tiefe immer wieder in harmonischen Figuren aufheben. Sicher keine Musik für die Biergartenbeschallung, dafür aber ein Werk, das sich so schnell nicht tothört. Masterpiece! Read more...
This unassuming little release is one of the most original recordings of the year, a follow-up to 2010′s highly eclectic Swimé. Rinbo is no less eclectic, but is far more accessible, and has a great starting point: the stories of four Japanese monsters. [...] With Rinbo, Makunouchi Bento makes a play for the big leagues. A full album with a half-dozen more Japanese monsters would cement the deal. Remixes are already being released for the current tracks. Please don’t stop now; we want a sequel. Read more...
The Timisoara duo Makunouchi Bento are avid purveyors of complex sonic structures, opulent compositions brimming that in their epicism and cinematic nature, are soundtracks to non-existing films. Their latest movie, entitled Rinbo, they pursue mystical oriental territories, a sonic fairy tale in a magical country. Even the track titles sound as if they were taken from a children’s book: Jubokko, Bake-Kujira, etc. Read more...
It combines a traditional sound played by a marching band – like on ‘Jubokko’ – with sound processing and the result is somewhat surreal but fetching at the same time. [...] If it could be compared with anything/anyone else making experimental music like this – which is quite difficult – it would be most likely comparable with Gultskra Artikler. Read more...
Muzica duo-ului electronic timişorean s-a lipit de mine ca “marca de scrisoare”. Nu te gîdilă doar audio, cît vizual. Makunouchi Bento fac filme din sunete. E ca şi cum urechile ascultatorului ar căpăta ochi. Cînd începe muzica, undeva în creierul meu porneşte un proiector care rulează imagini, locuri, poveşti şi, da, filme. Nu e o întîmplare că noul EP al grupului, Rinbo, a fost compus în jurul a 4 personaje din folclorul/bestiarul japonez, aşa cum a făcut şi Masaki Kobayashi în filmul Kwaidan (1964). Read more...
музыка у него - это такой очень самобытный поток сознания, череда мимолётных образов и звуковых сцен, как её называют, "маленькие кусочки организованного хаоса", она насквозь пропитана странной атмосферой и мистикой, что особенно хорошо ощущается в его прошлом альбоме "Swime" 2010-го... Read more...
Makunouchi Bento es un proyecto que desde siempre me ha fascinado. Música electrónica experimental de grandísima calidad, tanto en sonido como en composición. Este nuevo trabajo para Camomille, no es una excepción y con tan solo cuatro temas consigue crear un clima (y un climax) sobrecojedor. [...] Señores, aviso que esto va directo a lo mejor del año! Read more...
Makunouchi Bento is a Romanian duo who used to exploit film noir-esque seeds to fuse them into austere, barely discernible chamber music and electro-acoustic soundscapes. Inspite of these "suspicious" presuppositions the listener can perceive some weird kind of easiness at it. Although the album generally is very good on its own, the highly epic Jubokko jumps out as the outstanding track on it. Read more...