For this first release it was set to unite some of the best musicians we know in different genres. Gathered here, they smoothly mind the gap between their respective styles; idm, guitar, one channel, low-fi, ambient, techno, etc., What better way to represent One and protest the shortsighted slant that ‘genres’ create, than to join it all under one roof?
With contributions from Makunouchi Bento, Lackluster, Ronny Pries, randomajestiq, relative q, colophon, plosive, Sense, _KhlEr3L, pinkj, and Whitenoiz — You’d be hard pressed to find such a diverse album with this level of talent anywhere on the store shelves.
Tracks 07, 12 written, produced, mixed and mastered by Felix Petrescu and Valentin Toma (Makunouchi Bento)
Artwork by Felix Petrescu (Makunouchi Bento), Aaron McCammon aka Plosive
Rising from the ashes of the demogroup dot9 comes One's inaugural compilation 101 is now out. For a new netlabel the tracklisting is very impressive. Ft. tracks from familiar faces such as Lackluster, Sense, Colophon, Ronny Pries, Makunouchi Bento and more... Read more...
The gamut of electronic music sound is represented on this release, with IDM, retro computer sound, melodic, acid trance, and spacey ambience present. There’s even tracks that venture more into Chemical Brothers and indie rock territory. This is definitely one of the most eclectic electronic compilations around. More importantly, most of the individual tracks are very well produced. Read more...
The One01 compilation is an eclectic collection of songs of which you’re bound to like at least one. They vary greatly in intensity and feel, from Ronnie Pries’ “Bc02” – a straight beat pushing shadowy pads along -, the almost orchestral “TemposhifterD” from KhER3L, to the playful IDM-ish melodies of Makunouchi Bento’s “Milipong” and “Soare cu dinti”, Pinkj’s “Sylh” and the synth-infused “Pavlovian Fear” from Plosive and Relative Q’s “Your Distant Eyes”. Read more...
Featuring staples such as Lackluster, Sense, Makunouchi Bento, and many more (including a great commercial techno track by Whitenoiz, programmer of some very unique and powerful VSTs) 101 definitly would have stood out for me as a particularly good release for a net label if I had gotten it at the time of its release. Read more...
Bekannte wie Ronnie Pries (mit einem extrem deepen knisternden Techdubclickmonster) und Lackluster (mit einem tragischen melancholischen Stück voller frühem Acidflavour ohne 303) sind mit im Boot, aber auch die wehenden Gitarrensounds von Colophon, Randommajestiqs breakigeres "Meskalin13", der detroitige fast B12 artige Sound von Plosive, die skurrile Oldschoolbreaks Nummer von Whitenoiz, der Computertrackerpop von Pinkj, die skurrile barocke Ambientart von KhIER3l, Relativ Q´s schwebende IDM Hymne und der wiederum sehr lässig clickend cuttende Track von Sense machen das ganze zu einer verdammt runden Sache. One wird rocken. Das hört man jetzt schon. Read more...
Yet another netlabel. So siehts aus und ein Wer-ist-Wer der Netaudioszene gibt sich hier die Mauszeiger in die Hand. Mit dabei sind u.a. Lackluster, Sense, Ronny Pries uvm. Der Sampler ist Genremäßig nicht einzuordnen von ambienten Spielereien bis hin zu harten Beats ist alles vertreten. Die Vielfalt und die vertretenen Künstler sollten eigentlich für sich sprechen. Read more...