Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


Makunouchi Bento/ (Page 17)


Rinbo (Remixed): Review by Borealiscape at Recent Music Heroes

Felix Petrescu, and Valentin Toma comprise a Romanian duo, called Makunouchi Bento having already been active since 2001. There are represented 3 remixes, and one mix by their friends which used to span a variety of electronic visions extending from disquieted electronic drifts (mixed up with chamber music whiffs at times) and more haunting/dark ambient progressions and glitch-filled pieces to more ethnic/World Music-concentrated sonic seeds and Balkan-infected film soundtracks (indeed, the closing track Jubokko...

Rinbo (Remixed): Review by Megatron at Z A C A M A N T

I haven't written an album review in a while. So here we go again. It's a remix album by the friends(Selfmademusic and Sloum) of online-release kings from Timisoara Mabento. Rinbo is an odd little birdie chirping some chilling tunes. We all know about ghost stories, every culture has its restless souls, its famished specters and angry spirits. The belief in communicating with ghosts has spawned an entire subculture in the 19 century with its own...

Return to Avebell: Review by Zeffii

1) Sanitarium :: Reminded me of a nighttime scene at a foggy shipyard, and I can't see more than 5 meters in any direction. Industrial/dock. 2) Visiting Mr. Geffle :: Starts off my putting me back to my early years watching the ice castle scene of superman. It's cold. Quite disparate, moody. Dunno what the churchbell/cowbell is up to at the end. 3) Piacento (Sailing Alone) (Direwires' Endless Harbor Remix) :: Ambienty, industrial at the start,...

Return to Avebell: Review by Oír para creer

Hacía dias que no comentaba nada de electrónica experimental y hoy me ha venido de maravilla que los chicos de arhiva7 se dejaran caer por aquí para anunciar su última referencia firmada por el duo Makunouchi Bento de Rumanía. De ellos ya aparecía un tema en el recopilatorio navideño de Petite & Jolie (ver un par de posts más abajo) y ahora con este disco me acaban de enamorar. En él encontrareis una mezcla...

Millano Brothers IV: Review by Zoltan Varga at Agenda

Dedicatie timisoreana pentru Rambo si Dallas. "Intr-un moment de nostalgie ne-am adus aminte de toate filmele care ne-au extaziat in copilarie, de la Neverending Story la Rambo, trecand prin periferia filmelor cu mafioti si Dallas. Toate momentele din filmele respective sunt subliniate de sintetizatoare si acorduri dramatice. Tuturor compozitorilor obscuri care au accentuat dramatismul ieftin al acelor productii le-am dedicat 3 cantece. Ne-am imaginat un posibil film: de serie B", ne-a declarat Waka X....

Like a Monkey Without the Cuckoo Clock: Review by Djeyran at Djeyran Kulturjournal

In diesem Kammerorchester tummeln sich fünf improvisationslustige Musiker, die mit allerhand Instrumenten und klangerzeugenden Geräten hantieren. Sie widmen sich intensiv der freien Spielweise und holen aus ihre Tröten mit Inbrunst allerhand absonderliche Töne heraus. Zwischendurch gehts recht krachig zu, Chaos heißt dann die Devise. Eine Weile funktioniert das Nebeneinander naiver Lauterzeugung recht gut, man sollte sich allerdings Hörpausen gönnen. Auf Dauer fehlt etwas Biß. Musikalischer Zunder zwischendurch hätte auch nicht geschadet....

Like a Monkey Without the Cuckoo Clock: Review by Zoltan Varga at Agenda Zilei

Colaborare cu muzicieni americani Makounochi Bento continuă experimentele electronice. Felix Petrescu și Valentin Toma, cei doi muzicieni timișoreni care compun formaţia Makounochi Bento, au realizat un material discografic alături de americanii John Fischer, Patrick Sheng și Justin Lazarus, albumul care poate fi ascultat pe net apărând sub proiectul Jebel Chamber Orchestra. „Am ajuns la această colaborare prin intermediul internetului. Ne-a plăcut muzica lor, iar ei au fost încântaţi de materialele noastre, așa că am decis să...

Avebell: Review by Iris Opriş at Time Out Bucureşti

Cine a spus că lucrurile mici nu aduc minuni? Mini-albumul timişorenilor creatori de tărâmuri muzicale fantastice, atinse de melancolie în dreptul unui pahar cu lapte cald cu miere, presărat de un dram de scorţişoară, stă mărturie pentru a dovedi contrariul. Pe bulevardul unui orăşel iernatic, ninge de fiecare dată când cineva se decide să răstoarne globul în care se află. Oraşelul se află pe o masă plină de cărţi, huzur şi visare. La periferii, cineva a...

Flika: Review by Spuchi at NetSphere

A new joint project from Makunouchi Bento, together with Bleep & Selfmademusic. This release includes only three tracks but all of them sound great. A simple demo of great music skills, now available at the TMBase homepage. Also available there are the print-quality TIFFs for the covers....