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Makunouchi Bento/ (Page 23)


Trcutu: Review by Hovmod

Hey, I'm totally enjoying this! Smart, funny, infinitely melancholy. Very few of these projects manage to add something useful to the originals, but I'd say this is almost(!) up there with Biosphere's Debussy album (although less "destructive" maybe). Great job. I'm very impressed. Thanks for giving it away....

Trcutu: Review by Cristian Neagoe

Prea putin cunoscuti in Romania, dar deja celebri pe scena internationala prin aparitiile lor discografice la netlabel-uri prestigioase, cei doi timisoreni de la Makunouchi Bento recupereaza, totusi, timpul asta care ne scapa tot mai mult printre degete. Interpretarea lor electronica a unor piese mai mult sau mai putin cunoscute de muzica simfonica (Satie, Ravel, Arutiunian, Arensky, Ivanov, Ostrovsky) e completata surprinzator cu un alt mediu artistic, proiectul fotografic al lui Adrian Leverkuhn si Katharine Mahalic. Ascultati...

Trcutu: Review by LAJ

Makunouchi Bento at their best. Top-notch release touching on a variety of styles including downtempo, classical, IDM, dark ambient, and glitch. Three standout tracks include: (2) "Prelude Op.63-10" for its majestic classical flavorings, beautiful melody, & minimal layer of glitch ; (4) "Gymnopedie No.1" for its downtempo orchestral approach, gentle melody, and overall warmth ; and (10) "Trois Gnossiennes No.1" for its slow-moving, brooding dark ambiance, discord, and samples which create a very disturbing...

Trcutu: Review by Jules_

The idea is not new. Since Wendy Carlos' "Moogification" of Bach and Beethoven's opuses(Switched on Bach/A Clockwork Orange OST) several electronic music composers have displayed their reverence to these old European or Russian composers whose portraits- hung on the walls of your Junior High's music room- seemed to give you an austere glance whilst you were in the middle of a very personal intepretation of the theme from Beethoven's 9th on the recorder. Curd Duca...

Trcutu: Review by Snoid

Symbiosis. Trcutu by Makunouchi Bento is really a symbiosis of two forms of art: music and photography. One complements the other, enlivens, supports, enriches; the absence of one component, however, can destroy the transcendent connection. Disregarding the technical proficiency of the pieces, one must be intrigued by their melancholy, harmony, emotiveness, nostalgia, composition and twisted sense of humor. Subjects (visual and aural) are treated in a unique way, preserving their organic authenticity, yet creating a totally...

Trcutu: Review by Kaneel

A dedication to classic music. Makunouchi Bento are already known in the netlabel scene as people always reconsidering their own works, evolving, twisting existing genres in their own interpretation. So it's quite obvious, after years experimenting into the electronic music, they finally came up with the decision of remixing some classics. What you'll be able to enjoy is about how versatile can be this Romanian duo! From ambient to electronica and IDM, ending with a touch...

Trcutu: Review by Vincent Fugère at Musou Manufacture

One yet again delivers high quality free audio with the newest addition to its catalogue, Romanian duo Makunouchi Bento's Trctu. A conceptual release; rearrangements of their favorite classical composers. The duo has acclaimed a somewhat dignitary position in the netlabel scene for providing consistent and pertinent experimentations in sound for the last few years. On this EP they bring their trademark exploratory twists and turns in a 40 minute set of sometimes hectic, sometimes calm...

Himette: Review by René at De:Bug

Retina Scan sind ja echt ganz Nette. Ein Teil ihrer günstigen CDR-Release gibt es immer zum Download. Auch beim Himette Album von Felix Petrescu und Valentin Toma gibt es drei Tracks zum Kennen lernen. "Snow me" eröffnet mit einer melodramatischen Akkordeonmelodie wie aus einem Soundtrack um dann später Schachtelbeats der guten alten Warpschule reinzudrehen. Das klingt jetzt vielleicht etwas altbacken, aber es funktioniert besser als es auf dem Papier klingt. 4/5...

Himette: Review by Tronam at KVR

I've just finished listening to this album (Himette) for the 2nd time and there are elements of brilliance throughout all of it. I must admit that I had some preconceived notions about what to expect from it initially, but was pleasantly surprised by the wide variety of dynamic pieces included. It would be impossible to classify this album as any particular style of music, since the songs are all so different. There is everything...