Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.



Cycles: Review by Travis at HiddenPlace Music

HiddenPlace Music has recently received word that the long-awaited 100th release from the Camomille netlabel has been officially released. Normally I don't recommend anything without listening to the entire thing first, but with such an impressive array of artists, I know this will be an excellent and fascinating release. A collection of digital artwork has also been included, and along with the 3,5 hrs+ playing time, there is much to explore here. Artists included...

Cycles: Review by Rekkerd

Camomille is a free music netlabel created in 2002 to distribute free, creative-commons licensed .mp3 files in the shape of releases, mimicking CD releases. After 6 years Camomille celebrates their 100th release with a special compilation. 44 tracks and more than 3 hours and a half of marvelously delicious free music. Also, for the first time we release an artpack with the compilation, compiling 13 artists and 20 pieces. Camomille’s Cycles compilation features: Lackluster, Twerk, Henrik Jose /...

Cycles: Review by Mersenne at Undomondo

This weekend I’ll be sifting through some netlabel releases. First up is Cycles available from Camomille Records as their 100th release. A release spanning 44 tracks and over 3 hours of quality electronic/acoustic music! After 6 years of releasing free music to the world, Camomille is celebrating their 100th release with a great roster of artists and an artpack. Please tell all your friends and support Camomille and all decent netlabels. Ok, a little rant...

Cycles: Review by Benoît Richard at Netlabels Revue

Dis comme ça, ça n'a l'air de rien, mais 100 sorties pour un netlabel représente un sacré exploit. Exploit dans la longévité mais aussi dans la qualité. Quand on sait le nombre de structures qui foisonnent aujourd’hui sur la toile, entre ceux qui apparaissent et ceux qui disparaissent chaque semaine, on se dit que 6 ans de régularité et de passion c’est presque une vie. Il fallait donc, pour le netlabel Camomille, marquer l’occasion...

Cycles: Review by Mo. at Phlow (.DE)

Exzellente Compilation. Camomille gehört zu einem der älteren Netlabels, die immer noch den Spirit der Scene atmen. Die Produktionen bewegen sich doch seit längerem jenseits daddeliger Demo-Musik-Pfade. Das beweist jetzt auch das 100. Release mit farbenfrohen Musikstücken, die sich zwischen den Polen Indietronic, Ambient und IDM bewegen. Wirklich gelungen. Neben rein instrumentalen Musikstücken hört man auf "Cycles" auch zahlreiche Produktionen mit Gesang. Kombiniert mit elektronischen Sounds und Beats verpflegt uns die sage und schreibe 44(!)-Tracks große...

Cycles: Review by Mo. at Phlow

Over six years Camomille distributes electronic music for free. Created in 2002 by Vincent Fugère in Montreal, Canada, out of love of camomille tea and ambient music there has been 99 releases to date. Now we celebrate Camomille's 100th release by listening to 44(!) free tracks somewhere inbetween ambient, IDM and electro-acoustic music. A great idea comes along with the marvellous and huge music package: an artpackage with beautiful, strange and interesting graphics. Happy...

Pantoufle Tagada: Review by Rajsank at Yamanotedreams

If you like soft electronica, if you like lullatone and other cute music like it, download this album. Si tu veux rêver à autre chose que roi heenok, sarkozy ou bill gates; dwnld cet album et donne toi enfin la chance de t'échapper. C'est gratuit....

Pantoufle Tagada: Review by OverCoat

Off to a Great Start! Really enjoyed this comp. A few of my favourite artists make it on this release, like Vim!, Surasshu, and OFCOURSE KANEEL. Also, I was pleasantly surprised by the artists I haven't heard of yet, though I probably should have. "Alicia" by Balun is a nice track and one of the best on this album. Papercutz's "Lembras-te?" is another good track, and a fitting outro track [always gotta have a fitting...

Pantoufle Tagada: Review by Backtrack

Outsanding Compilation _Pantoufle Tagada_ is one of my favorite recent compilations, and one I had been looking forward to for a while. Since it is a concept album built around the idea of cuteness, I was expecting to hear cute genres, cute instrumentations, and so forth, but I was surprised to hear a lot of not-so-cute sounds organized into not-so-cute structures in several of the songs. I prefer concept albums to be very tightly conceived and...

Pantoufle Tagada: Review by AWX Online

Na ne naujausias relyzas netleiblų scenoje, bet šios savaitės idėjai pratęsti labai tinka. Idėja irgi paprasta kaip dvi kapeikos - lengvi, neįpareigojantys, mieli ir švelnūs kūriniai. Įdomiausia, kad tarp tūkstančių netleiblų yra ir toks, kuris leidžia muziką, padabintą mano anksčiau paminėtais epitetais. Tai Petite&Jolie. Pats pavadinimas jau viską pasako, tačiau netleiblo kuratoriai sako, kad esminė jų leidžiamos muzikos idėja ne kažkoks stilius, ne eksperimentai, ne konkretūs instrumentai, o tiesiog faina, šiek tiek vaikiška muzika....