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Makunouchi Bento/ (Page 19)


Balada unui creier mic: Review by Alex at Milieu

Makunouchi Bento - Balada unui creier mic, released on Arhiva7, is an ambient collection of cut up melodies with artfully applied effects processing and field recordings. There’s a darker edge to some of these tracks, such as Spanipig, but my favorite is Licure, which is ultimately uplifting, with subtly melancholic passages making it feel somehow inherently human. As with most enjoyable ambient music, the overall structures of these tracks are quite simple, with overlying melodic...

Balada unui creier mic: Review by Mark Teppo at Igloo Magazine

I got a brief email the other day from Makunouchi Bento pointing me towards their latest netlabel release and I eagerly scampered off to make the Internet give up its magic goods for me. A chattering ambient release that travels through the tiny mental processes of a microscopic creature, Balada Unui Creier Mic hums and chirps with crystalline sound. There are field recordings from lost hallways and decrepit underground tunnels worked into the looping...

Vitoru: Review by Iso Brown at Signal Zero

Vitoru, la 13 ème sortie du netlabel One donne la parole à l’artiste roumain Makunouchi Bento. Ce dernier déjà remarqué grâce à ses sorties sur divers netlabels, nous livre ici 5 titres hétérogènes dont le point commun est d’avoir été conçus pour le zine Începem. 2 titres tirent cet ep vers le haut, constituant la colonne vertébrale d’une oeuvre ou se mèlent serénité et fagilité. "Cariul D", titre fleuve qui devrait faire se pamer les amateurs...

Bouche du metro: Review by Ronny Pries

There was a time, before mp3 turned the music industry into a piece of haywire, when the internet had its own destinctive music culture. We organized ourselves in "netlabels", publishing music for free. Back then, netlabels where about conveying an idea about music. Think Warp Records as a prototype, something you can rely on. Be it a sound itself or a range of artists searching for one. Miasmah was one of those genre-defying ones. Open for...

Miopedi: Errata: Review by Julez_

There has never been as much free music available on the Internet than today. New online music labels are emerging nearly every week. Whilst a lot of these labels tend to offer low quality music -with hardly no quality control over the releases- a few of them try and behave like a "real" label. Whereas the "One" netlabel is a fairly newcommer to the Internet scene , it already undoutably belongs to this last category, and...

Miopedi: Errata: Review by BotB

The flows of a thousand jelly needles..? Softly crawling on my nervesystems, Makunouchi Bento hits off and playfully lays a knot in my brain as mellow intelligent rhythms tickle and tease and slowly drag me away from wot I hold for certain. Introducing a soundscaping with ice cold perfection, as well as fluffy green meadows.. with a yellow sky and a wonderfull breeze on my face, it's both refreshing as it is nostalgic.. They both...

Miopedi: Errata: Review by Bleed at De:Bug

Eigenwillig ruhige, Beats eher für den Hintergrund benutzende EP von Makunouchi Bento und Leenak, die auf vier Tracks sehr stark digital bearbeitete Soundscapes dennoch voller Melancholie und Direktheit auf einen loslassen, die klingen als wollten sie noch in die letzten Ecken der Wohung kriechen um dort ihr eigenes Leben als Nanobots so lange zu fristen, bis man auch das letzte Detail gehört hat. Und sogar die etwas psychotischere Variante, wie auf "Lentila Dracului" gerät...

Miopedi: Errata: Review by Mark Teppo at Igloo Magazine

A split EP between Makunouchi Bento and Leenak, Miopedi: Errata is a four track download of effortless rumination and gentle melodic structures. The gossamer organic melodies of these tracks dissipate as you hear them, elusive strands of music that touch upon your consciousness like threads of forgotten dreams. Makunouchi Bento's "Cariul C" plays out its gentle keyboard and drum kit duet as if the pair was on a deserted beach, playing their winsome lament...

Bouche du metro: Review by Baganor

Listened to your tracks and loved them like my own mother. Really gorgeous stuff that shows a remarkable resistance to music's current trends, preferring to forge it's own path. Great, great stuff you've got there good sir. Keep it up. ...