Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet quisque rutrum.


Makunouchi Bento/ (Page 18)


Flika: Review by Alex at Milieu

Flika is an EP by MaBento, SelfMadeMusic and Bleep. It’s a collection of three awesome laid back tracks, perfect for a long Summer evening. Makunouchi Bento’s track starts off quiet, with bells, and eventually introduces some cunning drum and bass-inspired breaks (yet totally relaxed and somehow more interesting than standard jungle breaks). The second track mixes some wild contemporary sounds with distorted guitar melodies, and comes to several climaxes before eventually calming down. The...

Lament of the Fishing Robot: Review by Aaron M

Yessum, this is it. Makunouchi Bento without a doubt have a sound that is their own, now. Following them over the years, I've often kept a close ear to what it is they are working on. The last few releases (Miopedi, Trcutu, Balada unui creier mic, Lament) by the duo have shown enormous growth in their style. Where they were once a bit niche in their sound, they're now much more patient, personable and slick....

Lament of the Fishing Robot: Review by AMClark2

Now listening to lament of the fishing robot. After listening to a few more of these things, I have to say that my favorite thing about this music is the sense of characters I get from it, which is very strong for non-vocal music. I continually feel as if these sounds are actually little characters singing to me - I especially see the things on the cover of Swime. Of course maybe it's just this...

Lament of the Fishing Robot: Review by Mathew at Air-Strikes

Makunouchi Bento je čtyřčlenný projekt z japonska, jehož desetiminutové EP Lament of the Fishing Robot je volně ke stažení. Nutno říct, že je celé úžasné, počínaje názvem, obalem a samozřejmě hudbou konče. Celé to zní jako podmořský ambient s příběhem vtěsnaným do tří krátkých skladeb. Je to hudba, která vám dává prostor pro vlastní imaginaci, inspirativní zvuky rezavějících robotů na dně oceánu. Jejich kovové ruce jsou obrůstány modrými rostlinami za zvuků radarů a těžkých...

Lament of the Fishing Robot: Review by Reevo at Ektopia

Makunouchi Bento’s latest EP, Lament of the Fishing Robot, is pretty great. "Lament of the Fishing Robot EP is motion and color captured and translated into sound. It is immersing in its great musical and emotional depth and in its force of character." Haunting, chilled out, sampled and glitchy electronica that’s sure to please. Definitely worth searching for more of their tunes....

Lament of the Fishing Robot: Review by Spuchi at NetSphere

Another piece of esquisite squelchy material by Timisoara-based electronica duo Makunouchi Bento. Lament of the Fishing Robot is a short musical forray into glitchy pisciculture. The is an EP where the listener is kept in a dreamy state of captivity for at least 10 minutes. Released on Camomille it is something of a film score. A score for a possible short movie about small vibrating digital sea horses munching on some long, string-shaped bottom dwelling...

Lament of the Fishing Robot: Review by Alex at Milieu

Short but sweet, Lament of the Fishing Robot - Makunouchi Bento, released on Camomille, is 10 minutes of contemporary forays between influences and ideas. The label’s introduction states: "On this EP they explore more cinematic themes; as you listen to the ep, you feel like you’re following a script of tones and waves. A somewhat liquid combat between winter-time coldness and atmospheres filled of awkward beauty." ...

Balada unui creier mic: Review by Purusha

Return of the grand. After some noise-driven showoffs which partly cracked my love for the duo's (mostly) amazing material, a new flame has started to burn and it's all vibrating of renewed joie; 'Circes' is a track with passion, a lovable tune, certainly one of my Mabento's favourites from now on. An intense continuum to Paolo Veneziani's 'Perpetual Green', melancholic, once again, perpetual. The EP is an ambient-driven journey made of detuned samples characteristic of...

Balada unui creier mic: Review by CaptainEurope

IMHO: Better than the new Autrechre album. Makunouchi Bento present us an interesting EP full of strange, layered and atmospheric sounds. To make a movie parallel, the tracks would certainly be suitable for any Lynch or Cronenberg film or a movie like Cube. I think the first two tracks are the most "catchy", for as far as possible with experimental music. (I recently listened to the new Autechre album but found it very un-catchy and...

Balada unui creier mic: Review by Letöltheto Zene at SoundTour

Romániában is nyomul az elektronikus zenei szcéna, ennek egyik jele az Archiva7 netlabel. Legfrissebb kiadványukat a Makunouchi Bento formáció jegyzi. Felix Petrescu és Valentin Toma munkáival már számos netlabelnél találkozhattunk. A Balada unui creier mic EP-n ezúttal sötét zajok és zörejek által árnyalt ambient világot tárnak fel elottünk. Az elso számban a vasút zaját és a bizarr hangokat teljesen háttérbe szorítja az eroteljes dallam, mintha valami lenyugözo dolog felé haladnánk a síneken. A Licure...